Best Books and Resources for Medical School Core Clerkships and Rotations 2024

With a hundred different resources available for each rotation, it’s hard to figure out which is best! Now that I’m on the other side of third-year rotations and shelf exams, I’ve compiled a list of the resources I found to be most helpful for my rotations! I generally did very well on my shelf exams (in the 80th-95th percentile).

Happy studying!



  • Uworld
  • ACOG uWISE Questions (my school provided us with a free subscription)
  • Ob/Gyn Case Files (highly recommend)

Internal Medicine

  • Uworld, Uworld, Uworld
  • Online Med Ed (if you prefer video lectures) or Step Up to Medicine (if you prefer textbooks)

Family Medicine



That’s all for now! I’ll update the rest once I finish those rotations!



  1. Tam
    08/14/2020 / 12:40 am

    this is very helpful, thank you!

    For internal medicine, do you think OME + uworld is enough or do I need to add Step Up? Same with step 2 CK?

    • Lily
      08/14/2020 / 2:41 pm

      Hi Tam,

      OME + Uworld is more than enough! Step Up is a great supplement to Uworld if you’re not using OME. Same thing with Step 2CK. Either choose OME + Uworld or Step Up + Uworld!

      Good luck!


  2. Owen
    10/26/2020 / 8:05 pm

    Thank you so much for this information!

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